Sunday, January 2, 2011

Best Ever Parker House Rolls

I. Love. Carbs.  I'm not going to lie.  I am obsessed with bread.  I love it fried, with sandwiches, dipped in olive oil, covered in buttery cinnamon, baked in bread pudding, and especially warm and slathered with butter.  The only problem is, bread is scary to make at home.  Or so I thought...

Last year, as my first bread recipe, I decided to make Julia Child's brioche, but that's a story for another post.  After my failure with that, I swore off making bread for a while.  Once I saw the recipe for Alex Guarnaschelli's Parker House Rolls in the November edition of Food Network Magazine, however, I knew that I had to give bread making another try.  Boy am I glad I did!  Not only was the recipe easy for me and Lauren (my sister) to follow, but the rolls came out as pretty as the ones in the magazine.  I knew that the rolls looked good, but I was nervous that they wouldn't taste good or would be too dry, as is what happened with my previous bread making.  Well Chef Alex did not steer me wrong!  The rolls were every bit as amazing as they looked, so amazing that we kept them at home instead of bringing them to our family's Thanksgiving lunch.  To make up for their lost rolls, Lauren and I made two more batches of rolls on Christmas Eve, for both sides of our family.  The rolls came out just as perfect as the first time, and not a single one of the 32 rolls was left over!  This recipe has definitely become a new favorite in our house.  I'm not going to post the recipe below because it has a lot of steps, but the title is the link to the recipe on Food Network dot com.

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